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Putting Flesh on Lyrics

July 14, 2013

I’m starting a new photo series showing characters from songs that I really dig. Songs I can listen to over and over because they’re passionate. They inspire visual stories that I need to get out of my head. I realize that most of these subjects are not admirable. I’m just having fun with story telling. This is about putting flesh on lyrics. 

I shot these yesterday as the first entry and I can’t decide which ONE to choose. For web and portfolio use, I think I need one maybe two from this shoot.  These were inspired by PJ Harvey’s song, Rid of Me.  The character starts out sounding soft and gentle, then her voice crescendos up to eleven. (That’s one past 10 for you non-Spinal Tap people.) This woman has been hurt. She is angry. She was in a bad relationship she should be done with, but it’s not over until she says it is. She has some violent ideas. Clearly, her rational mind is not running the show here. She’s on a mission – with a rope. 

Which one sings to you?


6 Comments leave one →
  1. July 14, 2013 8:21 am

    Sue these are all amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration with me!


  2. July 14, 2013 10:42 am

    I’m voting #5526, as you say the song is all about emotion, and that one has the most appropriate facial expression, I think, personally.


    • July 15, 2013 9:56 am

      Anna, that’s the 2nd vote for that image. I agree; maybe it best illustrated the character ~ but then there’s a vote for 3 other images… perhaps more subtle, her rage is inside. AND then there’s a voice saying, “Forget matching the character perfectly, what’s the best overall image, regardless of the lyrics?” I keep looking at the vertical image, top right #5461. Hmm…


  3. Gabe Diaz permalink
    July 16, 2013 1:12 pm

    Sue, I remember when PJ released rid of me recorded in her room on a 4 track. It gave me chills just like ridofme-5800sc

    That’s my vote,

    Well done!!


  4. July 16, 2013 1:52 pm

    Gabe, thanks so much for taking a look at my images. I’m changing my mind about showing just one image to represent this song – maybe show a few. The 4 track demo album is great. Super raw. I kept comparing that version with the one on the Rid of Me album, and think I like the Rid of Me album version better for it’s richer, fuller sound. I go back and forth. I’m happy it gives you chills. Those are the songs I’m going for – the ones that give me chicken skin, and when they’re over I’m thinking, “Holy sh*#!”.


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